What kind of specialized training do Parish Nurses do?

Besides a regular Registered Nursing program, Parish Nurses are trained to nurture the whole person — body, mind and spirit. Parish Nurses work in partnership with pastors, churches, hospitals, social service agencies, and the community. They focus on prevention, wholeness, and wellness. In many communities of faith, the FCN is the Health Ministry team leader.

Is the Parish Nurse a paid or unpaid professional?

Parish Nurses can be either a paid or volunteer professional although Parish Nursing Alberta does encourage paying Parish Nurses whenever possible. The church can support the unpaid parish nurse through paying for gas mileage for visits, membership dues, helping to buy equipment like blood pressure cuffs, locked file cabinet for records, office space, and liability insurance.

Why would a church need a parish nurse?

A parish nurse’s role is different because in that role they are hired to serve all members of their church and/or community.  In that role, the parish nurse will promote more abundant life.  God came “that we might have life and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10).  Attending to the whole person will ensure attending to physical, spiritual, emotional, financial, sexual, and vocational wellbeing.

What is a Parish Nursing Ministry?