Please Note: The documents and links posted on this website contain external links or pointers to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. These links and pointers are provided for the user’s convenience. Parish Nursing Alberta does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeline or completeness of this outside information. It does not reflect an endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation of the material contained herein by Parish Nursing Alberta.
CAPNM Self Assessment Tool for Parish Nurses
Standards Page
- Documentation Standards (2022)
- Privacy and Management of Health Information Standards (2022)
- Use of Title Standards (2022)
- Scope of Practice for Registered Nurses (2022)
- Practice Standards for Registrants (2023)
From Canadian Nurses Protective Society website:
InfoLaw articles:
- Nurses in Independent Practice: An Overview
- Electronic medical records and independent practice
- Are you a custodian or trustee of health records?
- Privacy and Electronic Medical Records
- Quality Documentation: Your best Defense